Key Message

Count Me In!
Finding the intersection between what you want to say and what your client/customer wants to hear is tricky – unless you have the right help.
Getting your messaging right is a crucial first step to effective marketing. When done right, it becomes the compass for your future, and not doing it means you will get lost in "we do the same" marketing or become relegated to throwing money at paid advertising.
Our expert facilitators guide you to identify key marketing messages that resonate with your audience, while positioning you for a competitive advantage.
This workshop is beneficial for a new organisation, a brand refresh, preparing for a major event or announcement, or developing video collateral.
Heads up. There will be homework.
The Big Bold Branding difference
We love these workshops as the most common feedback we receive is the huge amount of clarity and confidence it gives participants. It forms their elevator spiels, content, and direction and revitalises the love of their business and the difference they are making in the world.
We're good at it because we have a deep and thorough understanding of branding, a wealth of experience, broad exposure to multiple industries, a deep understanding of people and high emotional intelligence. We are happy to talk about the 'elephant in the room' (hence our logo) and provide a non-judgmental, fun and supportive space to explore your key message.
With our distinctive 'big picture' approach to life and our values of partnering to create a brighter future together developed over 40+ years in business, you will enjoy unlocking the business of your dreams.